How to remove warts in popular ways

Warts are common among people. According to the most recent data, the papillomavirus has infected more than half of the world's population. Removal of warts with folk remedies can be easily done at home. So, you will find the most popular and effective folk remedies in the following article.

how to get rid of skin warts


A wart is a benign skin growth caused by a virus. This disease is more common in children and adolescents.

Transmission of the infection occurs directly from person to person, through household items and autografts (combs, etc. ). Sweating, small skin lesions, mental shocks contribute to the development of the disease. The incubation period is 4 to 5 months.

Distinguish common (simple, vulgar), flat (young) and sharp (sharp candyloma) warts.

Common warts are dense, painless, rounded nodules from 3 to 10 mm in diameter, their surface is rough, the color is normal skin or grayish brown.

Its favorite location is the back of the hands and fingers, face, scalp. If the warts are located on the feet, called plantar warts, the patient may experience pain when walking.

Flat warts (juvenile) - small nodules, 0. 5 to 3. 0 mm, flesh-colored or yellowish, rounded, with a flat and smooth surface, slightly protruding above the skin level. Located on the face and back of the hands.

Genital warts are sharp, grow quickly, fuse together and resemble a cockscomb or cauliflower. The color of these warts is light pink to bright pink. They are usually located in the inguinal and intergluteal folds, region close to the anus, in the genitals. Its development is facilitated by prolonged skin irritation and maceration.

types of warts

There are several types of warts:

  • common warts- These are fairly dense nodules of a round shape with a rough surface. The size is from 3 to 10 mm in diameter. Its favorite habitat is the back of the hands, fingers, face, scalp.
  • plantar wartsappear on the soles. Plantar warts, unlike common ones, are painful and consist of bundles of threadlike papillae, around which there is a roll of powerful horny layers. It looks like a corn, so it can be confused. The cause of plantar warts is friction from shoes and frequent pressure.
  • flat warts- They are small nodules with a size of only 0. 5 to 3 mm. Its color is the same as the skin or with a yellowish tinge. The surface is strongly flattened, smooth. They usually occur on the face and back of the hands. More common in schoolchildren.
  • genital warts- This is a special type of wart. They are treated by urologists, gynecologists and venereologists.

How to treat this disease? There are two methods of dealing with warts: folk remedies and fighting through magic. Let's talk about folk remedies, here are some home treatment options.

Why you need to get rid of warts

The reason for the appearance of a cosmetic defect on the hands and other parts of the body is its "contagiousness". Having penetrated the body in one way or another, the papillomavirus does not appear immediately. A lot of time passes, from one to several months. In this case, the carrier of the virus may not show any manifestation. As a rule, HPV spreads to the surface layers of the skin.

HPV is transmitted from mother to fetus, as well as through skin damage. They can be infected in a public bath, when visiting the swimming pool. Penetration is facilitated by excessive dryness or moisture of the skin, lack of capillary blood supply.

It turns out that the habit of biting nails is one of the reasons for the appearance of warts on the hands. The need to get rid of warts on the face is usually caused by mechanical damage received during shaving, waxing, peeling, when more opportunities are created for the penetration of the virus.

If the body's defenses are weakened and periodic measures are not taken to strengthen immunity, the probability of this cosmetic defect also increases.

Despite the good quality of a skin neoplasm, in especially advanced cases, a body cell in which the papilloma virus has altered the DNA can become the source of a malignant tumor. The virus gene is often found in tumor cells. As a rule, one examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. In the case of internal injuries - for example, the cervix - the DNA of the damaged cells is examined.

The transmission mechanism of the virus is not well understood.

But it is noticed that the probability of infection increases:

  • when taking birth control pills that reduce immunity;
  • during pregnancy, when immunity is also reduced;
  • with disturbances in the body of the hormonal background;
  • many women who gave birth.

Traditional and non-traditional therapies

There are many ways to treat warts - traditional and non-traditional.

The doctor may suggest diathermocoagulation, freezing with liquid nitrogen, and all kinds of lubrication. Perhaps no skin disease is treated with non-traditional methods as widely as warts.

Often, the best treatment for warts is to leave them alone. In most patients, the immune defense works and the warts go away on their own.

The doctors of ancient China offered the following recipe: attach a piece of ginger root to the wart and cover it with steaming wormwood leaves on top. Under the influence of steaming wormwood, ginger root begins to release antiviral compounds.

You can also try homeopathic remedies.

One of the ancient methods of treating warts was the use of conspiracies, i. e. "psychotherapy". For those who don't believe in conspiracies, we recommend autogenic training: sit comfortably in an armchair, relax, close your eyes and breathe deeply. At the same time, imagine how the warts disappear. Influence at the extrasensory level is very effective.

How to get rid of warts at home

Since getting rid of warts at home is much more convenient than in a medical institution, many people prefer to use various folk remedies. Although these methods often have a positive result, they should be used with caution, as what helped one patient could harm another. In addition, with the careless use of aggressive agents - for example, vinegar essence - a burn often occurs, after which a scar remains.

Not all types of warts should be treated at home. Folk remedies that are sufficiently reliable and safe can only get rid of simple, flat varieties. One of the effective ways to remove a wart at home is to treat it with one or another aggressive substance. Many are helped by the simplest means.

For example, in the case of young formations, they get rid of them with juice of dandelion, sour apple, daily smeared with vinegar essence or celandine juice, it is better to take it near the root of the plant. The surrounding skin is treated with petroleum jelly to prevent burns. After several procedures, the tissues begin to turn black and die, they are regularly cut with nail scissors. After the procedure is completed, the scissors should be kept in the flame for a short period of time.

An effective, but long-term, elimination of warts with folk remedies is carried out with onion or garlic juice. After applying the juice, you need to wait a while for it to be completely absorbed. For guaranteed defect elimination, it needs to be treated for several weeks.

At night, you can make compresses with a thin plate of fresh garlic so that the garlic doesn't touch healthy skin. Freshly cut potato skin is suitable, its juice is applied externally several times a day.

You can finely grate a clean fresh potato along with the skin and make a compress of the resulting paste overnight. It is possible to get rid of a wart this way within a month. If the potatoes start to sprout, take half a cup of sprouts, fill with water to the top and place on a slow fire. When half of the water boils, remove the mug from the heat. Lubricating the affected areas once a day with the folk remedy received, in some cases it is possible to get rid of the wart in a few days.

At home, HPV is treated with table salt. From a large onion, you need to remove the middle and fill it with salt. After a while, the juice will stand out, they treat the affected area every day. Salt can also be mixed with grated horseradish. The extracted juice is applied in a similar way. It is possible to remove a wart at home with a marigold flower, which is attached at night. The procedure is repeated until the defect disappears completely.

To get rid of the formation on the skin, you need to steam it well and attach a piece of propolis. Do not shoot for 3-4 days. People who get rid of warts are carried out with a crushed Kalanchoe leaf. The compresses are placed at night. In some cases, 4-5 sessions are sufficient. An effective means of infusing absinthe. Boil 3 tbsp. I. dry absinthe with a glass of boiling water, insist. Apply compresses until completely removed.

Folk remedies

Especially popular among people are recipes with potatoes, apples and other products that have been used for many millennia.

  1. Take a raw potato, cut it in half, rub the wart with each half separately, then put them together and bury them in the garden.
  2. Cut a raw potato into 12 parts, rub the wart with each part for a minute, then "pick up" the potato, tie it in a thin cloth and throw it in the dung. When the potato rots, the wart will disappear.
  3. Take a raw potato and cut it in half. Throw one half over your head and rub the other half over the wart, then bury it in a dry place. When the buried part of the potato dries up or rots, the wart will disappear.
  4. Take a strand of silk and knot each wart in the air. Then hide this thread in a cut potato and bury it so no one knows this place.
  5. Cut a sour apple in half. Eat one half and rub the warts with the other, then bury it in the ground. When the apple rots, the warts disappear.
  6. Cut the apple into two pieces with a rough wire. Grate the warts with the two halves of the apple, then join them together and tie with the same thread. Bury in the ground.
  7. In the Caucasus, they suggest treating warts with bean seeds, rubbing the wart with a bean, and burying it in dung.

  8. At the new moon, take a stick with a knot, gently cut it and rub the wart with this spot for two minutes, looking at the moon. The wart will disappear in a few days.
  9. Tie as many knots in a thread as there are warts, bury this thread in the ground. When the thread rots, the warts also disappear.
  10. Soak the raw onion in table vinegar for 2 hours and then tie it to the wart overnight. Repeat for several days in a row. The wart should come out with the root.
  11. Rub the warts with fresh juice from sour apples for ten days. After 10 days, the warts will disappear.
  12. Apply a dressing with pureed Kalanchoe (houseplant) leaves to the warts. After a day, change the bandage for a new one. In a week, the warts should disappear.
  13. Urine treatment. Wet the warts with your own urine twice a day.
  14. Moisten the warts with water and then rub them with ammonia, from which they should disappear quickly.
  15. Every night before bed, put 1 drop of acetic acid on each wart, after lubricating the skin with Vaseline, as the acid is very caustic. Inept use of acetic acid can lead to a burn, which is much more difficult to heal than the wart itself.
  16. Rub the wart with clean chalk, sprinkle more chalk on top, and tie with a red woolen cloth. Change the dressing every three days. Repeat three times. You can't get your hands wet.
  17. Take a thin wooden stick, hold its end over the fire and cauterize the wart. Repeat several times. In a week the wart will fall off.
  18. Dilute the wood ash with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Lubricate the resulting paste daily. Such recipes, in some cases, can not only help, but also harm, as there is a possibility of infection of the damaged area of the skin.
  19. Twice a day, drip juice of aloe, celandine, dandelion, pineapple, thuja on the wart. Warts will disappear in a week.
  20. Willow bark helps well: "If you boil the bark in vinegar, it reduces warts. " ("Salerno Health Code", 14th century).
  21. Grind cornflower seeds, mix with lard. The resulting ointment is applied to the wart and bandaged. Change the dressing after three days. After 7 days, the warts will fall off.

Recipes for the treatment of warts from a traditional healer

Reduce warts to an apple or potato (they should have a wart-like bump or tuber in shape; only in this case you can get a 100% positive effect). Cut an apple or potato in half (it is advisable to do this with strong thread). With the half where the bump is visible, rub the warts (in some cases it is advisable to rub with both halves). Then connect the halves and tie them together with the yarn that was cut. Bury an apple or potato in the ground away from your home. When they rot, the warts disappear.

On a silk thread, knots are tied in the air over each wart, while saying, "You can't live here. You shouldn't be here. My word is firm, unyielding. " Hide the thread in a freshly cut potato and bury it. put it on the floor so no one knows. When potatoes rot, warts disappear. In some cases, it is enough to bury just one wire.

Find a stem with a root from a cut ear of grain or a blade of field grass. With the end of a straw, prick the warts several times, uttering a conspiracy or prayer. After that, immediately bury the straw in a damp place with the root up. When the straw rots, the warts disappear.

Wang's advice. Take spur (grass), dry it, grind it into powder and sprinkle it over the wart.

A woman successfully reduced her granddaughter's warts by applying a mosquito repellent ointment (dimethylphthalate) to her skin.

There is an old "summer" method to reduce warts. It is necessary to catch the grasshopper and, holding it by its hind legs, let it "bite" the wart. The grasshopper secretes an iodine-like fluid from its mouth that has wart-reducing properties. If you have multiple warts, just display one. After about a week, other warts will disappear completely.

Fill a jar with a capacity of 30-40 ml tightly with chopped onion skins, pour 9% vinegar. Insist for 10-15 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. In the resulting solution, soak a gauze or cotton cloth and apply it to the wart, preferably at night. They say that after this treatment, the warts disappear in 3-5 days.

There is a simple and ancient way to reduce warts with mushrooms. Any mushrooms are suitable for this purpose and in any form: fresh, pickled, salted and dried (pre-sauce). Attach the mushroom to the wart at night and fix it, cover it with cellophane or parchment paper on top. After several treatments, the warts will disappear.

Disease prevention

And now some tips for preventing this disease:

  1. Follow personal hygiene rules.
  2. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, C and E to boost your immune system.
  3. Avoid stress and learn to relax.
  4. Put fresh oak leaves in your shoes instead of insoles.

senile warts

Its occurrence is not associated with a viral infection. They appear in elderly and senile patients, look like a flat, well-delimited plaque 0. 5 to 2. 0 cm in size, round or oval in shape, gray, brown or black. Its surface is covered by loose, sebum-saturated horny masses.

Senile warts are most often located on the cheeks, temples, around the eyes, on the trunk. If these warts are subjected to frequent traumatization, they may be prone to malignant transformation.

These warts do not need treatment. Avoid injury to them. But for cosmetic purposes, they can be removed using diathermocoagulation or one of the popular recipes.

  1. Juice squeezed from freshly cut round-leaf grass, lubricate the warts twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. After 10 days, the warts will disappear.
  2. Lubricate the warts with fresh milkweed juice.
  3. Lubricate wet warts with ammonia.
  4. Grate the wart with clean chalk (no impurities), pour more chalk on top, tie.
  5. An old recipe: "If you boil the bark in vinegar, it will reduce the warts". I mean willow bark.
  6. Lubricate the warts with thuja alcohol tincture.